Lourenco Consultants
4910 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Suite 102
Washington, DC 20016
202 966-0042
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Owner and Property Management Support

Remodeling Existing Buildings

The LCI team is highly experienced in the application of building code provisions for existing structures. Model codes and local codes contain general provisions that protect properly maintained buildings from the costly effects of ever-changing code requirements. The codes also have provisions that allow renovated buildings to avoid subsequent retrofits and thereby maintain their economic viability.

LCI consultants are specialists in code compliance in the renovation of existing buildings in the Washington metropolitan area. Through long experience in this market, LCI’s consultants have developed strong professional relationships with local code officials and acquired a detailed understanding of the local variations in code compliance, so necessary for the successful completion of any construction project.

Certificate of Occupancy

Securing a certificate of occupancy becomes a critical milestone in any project. It signifies the completion of construction in compliance with the zoning regulations and the local building code. It also marks the moment when the owner has the free and clear right to occupy the premises. Under normal conditions LCI streamlines the process of obtaining the required certificate of occupancy when a project is complete. LCI also helps building owners and managers in special circumstances.

Conditional Certificates of Occupancy

When suppliers or contractors fail to meet their deadlines, owners are faced with space delivery dates while some systems are still incomplete. LCI helps secure approvals for conditional or temporary certificates of occupancy, preventing costly penalties while assuring all parties involved that a safe environment is in place.

Partial Occupancy Plans

The pressure to deliver as much finished space as early as possible often necessitates obtaining a partial certificate of occupancy while work proceeds in other areas of the building. The ability to count on reliable dates for gradual occupancy and to anticipate temporary measures, which can be included in the project schedule at an early stage, is invaluable to the owner. LCI prepares partial occupancy plans and represents the client before the code official to secure approval of such occupancy plans. Both owner and code official benefit from having a clear road map to the final occupancy of the building.

Interpreting Local Codes and Regulations

Designers often interpret the code provisions more strictly than does the local code official, to avoid liability. LCI’s extensive experience in code enforcement provides our clients with expert guidance on the most effective application of the codes. Part of LCI’s services includes drafting written code interpretations for concurrence by the code official, to clarify code provisions.

Deferred Compliance

The viability of renovations of existing high-rise buildings in the District of Columbia may benefit from the ability to defer compliance of certain requirements. LCI prepares deferred compliance plans and represents its clients before the code official to obtain formal approval of such plans.

Fire Protection Upgrades

Building owners who seek to voluntarily retrofit fire protection systems into existing buildings often face “domino effect” requirements that run up the costs of the project and threaten its viability. Lourenco Consultants advises building owners and property managers on ways to implement fire protection upgrades without greatly increasing costs while still meeting regulatory requirements.

LCI • Code and Life Safety Consultants to the Construction Industry

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